Sunday, May 5, 2024

Pearl News - December 8, 2021


Last week, I talked to you about how fast 2021 is slipping away. As I am typing the current Pearl News, it has occurred to me that it is December and that this is not only a magical time of year, but also a spiritual time of year as well. One of the delights of this season is driving through the local communities to see all the nativity sets adorning yards of the churches and residences. You will be able to see nativity sets in Pearl as well. I hope you will plan a drive-by, and take your kids and grandkids along, too. I can remember my parents taking me to see the Christmas lights when I was a little girl, and what cherished memories they are. Isn’t that what part of life is all about, making memories?

Speakers for the Pearl Community Fellowship Church for the remainder of December are Tony Cleaver for Dec. 12, Mike Randolph for Dec, 19, and Don Johnson for Dec. 26. Visitors are always welcomed. You will enjoy this friendly, historic church, and you can hear parts of their lessons on their Pearl Community Fellowship Church Facebook page.

Pearl Church of Christ has some changes in their speaker schedule for December. The second Sunday, Dec. 13, the church’s speaker will be Chris Halpayne. Third Sunday, Dec. 19, is covered by Edward Schaub, and the fourth Sunday, Dec. 26, the church will welcome Roy Harris. What a great line-up! You will be blessed by any and all of these speakers, and visitors are always welcomed.

The next Pearl Bluegrass and Pearl Book Cottage Day will be Jan. 1. A wonderful way to welcome in the New Year is listening to some great music at the Community Center and selecting a good book or two (or other items) at the bookstore. The Pearl Community Center opens at 7 a.m., and the Book Cottage opens at 10 a.m.

A Bit of History: The land that became the Pearl Cemetery was owned by J. H. Keeton. He had fenced off about five acres of his land and offered to sell lots to people for family burial plots. The first grave in the cemetery was that of Lillian Keeton in June 1896. She was the second person buried in Pearl as the first grave is that of Lottie May Manning whose grave is in the Pearl Community Fellowship Church yard. Lottie May was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Manning. Lillian was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Keeton, and there is a special marker on her plot, #437. In the 1930s, Hardy Nabors was employed to build a rock fence across the south side of the cemetery. In 1965, Mrs. Effie Manning Laudermilk donated a chain link fence on the other three sides. Those fences are still there today, and Mr. Olson is presently restoring that structure. You can find this and more information in the Pearl Cemetery Book which can be purchased at the Pearl Cottage Bookstore.

The closing verse for this week comes from Lamentations 3:22-23: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. ESV

To keep up with the latest Pearl news online, you can go to the “Pearl Cottage Bookstore” Facebook page or the “Pearl Church of Christ” Facebook page. Or you can contact me at for more information or to submit any Pearl news that you might have.