Those walking the purple hall at Gatesville High School during the month of October probably noticed it gradually transforming into a Halloween mecca.
The guy behind it all was senior Caleb Blum (pictured above). Caleb is a High School Special Education (HSSE) student, loves Halloween, and spent weeks planning the hallway's decorations and his class Halloween party.
The whole crew loves to have fun and invited Principal Liz Shoaf and Assistant Principals Clayton Floyd and Brian Bays to their party. Before the party started, Caleb gave an official welcome speech that made everyone's hearts swell with pride for him and all of his hard work, according to Principal Liz Shoaf. His teachers and classmates surprised him with a party planning certificate that he hung on his wall when he got home. Shoaf thanked his teachers and classmates for embracing his ideas and vision and said that the experience was officially one of her "GHS Top Moments."