Saturday, May 4, 2024

New website aims to show property owners how taxes are distributed


The Coryell County Tax Assessor/Collector will mail out postcards on Aug. 2 to all property owners in the county with information on a new website that will show residents how their taxes are distributed.

The website ( allows property owners to type in their address and see the proposed tax rates for each taxing unit. In Gatesville, those units would be the City of Gatesville, Coryell County, Gatesville ISD and Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District.

The website gives historical tax data going back five years, gives a breakdown of the rate at each proposed breakdown and a total of taxes due at each proposed rate.

“I think it will be an educational and informative site for the taxpayer,” Coryell County Tax Assessor Collector Justin Carothers said in a phone interview Wednesday. “They will be able to see the process from beginning to end and how that directly affects their property.”

Every taxing unit is currently in the middle of determining and proposing their tax rate so data may not be available yet. But as the rates are proposed the website will be updated. Information on public hearings are also included on the new website

Property owners unable to attend public meetings on proposed tax rates can provide feedback directly on the website. Comments can be submitted to individual taxing units and owners can submit an up or down support of the proposal.