Friday, February 14, 2025

Funerals, celebrations, and visits


Mound recently lost one of its residents: Mr. Joseph Louis Piller died on Monday, Jan. 24. Funeral services were held on Friday at Scott’s Funeral Home in Gatesville.  Mr. Piller is survived by his wife, Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Piller. Joseph will truly be missed in our community.

Case and Kristen Jones were honored with a baby shower on Sunday, Jan. 28, at the Heavin Party Barn in Mound.  Hostesses were Kelby Shults, Kay Hunt, Tammy Wright, Lee Bland Lee, Jordy Haigood, Marlena Tippit, Sunshine Buckner, Raygan Hunt and Rachel Hopson.

Valerie Ferrell and Carolyn Blakley had lunch in Gatesville Friday.

Emma Blakley of College Station was home for the weekend.

Carolyn Blakley attended a baby shower for Kristen Jones on Sunday afternoon.

Tammy Roe of Nemo brought her grandchildren, Addison Gibbs and Bryant Ebarb, of Abilene, and spent the weekend in Gatesville and Mound with Beth Hanies, David and Pam Hopson and family.

Cathy McCarthy of Boston, MA spent several days in Mound with Martha Lawhorn and family.

Several residents of Mound attended the Gatesville Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet at the Gatesville Civic Center.  The winners for the 2023 year were Scott’s Funeral Home as Business of the year and Citizen of the Year was Mrs. JoAnn Sugg.