Saturday, May 4, 2024



I was blown away the first year we exceeded 100,000 pounds of food given by the folks in Gatesville and the surrounding area. When we reached 200,000 pounds, my jubilation was extraordinary. I was beyond ecstatic when we exceeded the 300,000 pound plateau. Then, for four years, you folks gave more than 400,000 pounds. And then, grab hold. Last year, even in the midst of COVID, you people showed deep pockets and extremely large hearts and we topped a half-million pounds. There are no words to truly capture that! 507,774 pounds were given! I love living among you! You send me to heights that make me dizzy.

I am competitive, and I love being successful, but I am totally honest when I tell you that I am thrilled for you when I see you wanting to do better each year, and then having your goal reached. I want you to soar when your high and lofty goal is realized. That has been a rich thrill for me year after year.

Okay, Food For Families will be held Friday, November 19 from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. at the Gatesville Fire Department. I have said for several years that you just tell the people of Gatesville and the surrounding area when and where and then let ‘em go. I am excited in my anticipation of this year being another great year. We need you to make it happen. We need everyone joining hands with everyone else to make this happen. Let’s make it happen. And, I thank you so much for all you have done to help the needy since we opened our doors in 1987, and what you have done in Food For Families since it began in 1990.