The Coryell County Commissioners recently approved a notice of request for qualifications for Professional Preservation Architectural Firms for services in connection with the development of a courthouse Master Plan.
Coryell County Attorney Brandon Belt recently described the purpose of having such a document. “A Master Plan is required to apply for grant funds to work on the courthouse. The purpose of a Master Plan is to evaluate the current state of the courthouse and set priorities for rehabilitating and maintaining the building. A Professional Preservation Architect is hired to assist in developing the plan to preserve and maintain the courthouse.”
According to Belt, the Texas State Historical Commission states, “A good master plan includes a history of the building, historic photos and drawings, a thorough evaluation of existing conditions and a plan for the future, with an estimated budget for all the proposed work. The master plan must be submitted to the THC for review and may either be accepted, with suggested changes made and resubmitted, or rejected. Proposed work must comply with the Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The document is a general plan of action and does not include detailed construction plans and specifications.”
Firms wanting to make bids for this project must have their Intention to Respond forms submitted to the county by May 7. Intention to Respond forms need to include name, address, phone number, and email and should be emailed to no later than May 7, 2024, at 10 a.m.