Thursday, January 16, 2025

Please keep the folks in Pearl in your prayers


The next quarterly meeting of the Pearl Community Center board is Jan. 27. All are invited to attend. It starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center.

There are still a number of people in the community who are dealing with serious health problems. Please keep these folks in your prayers. Just mention Pearl to the good Lord; He’ll know who you are talking about.

The Pearl Church of Christ is beginning to make ready for the annual Valentine Auction, which takes place on Feb. 9, immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service. If you would like to donate auction items, please drop them off at the church. I will let you know when bidding can begin. All monies collected benefit the Scholarship Fund.

The next Pearl Bluegrass Day and Pearl Cottage Bookstore Day is Feb. 1. Mark your calendars! Everyone reports a great day was had by all who attended on Jan. 4. The bands, jamming, fellowship, shopping, and food were wonderful. Let’s do a repeat on steroids in February!

We haven’t visited the ladies at the Pleasure and Profit Club in a while, so let’s check in on the Jan. 17, 1935, meeting: “The club met with Mrs. Robert Manning. The working period was spent making cup towels, piecing on a quilt, and doing some patching. The house was called to order, and the roll called. Twenty members and five visitors were present. The minutes were read and approved. One dollar and five cents was paid in for dues. The total in treasury is $45.48. One dollar and fifty cents was paid out for flowers leaving a total of $43.95. We discussed whether we would join council and decided we would vote on same at the next meeting. Mrs. C. L. Elam, Mrs. H. Nabors, and Mrs. T. H. Oney were appointed on a committee to see about the park. It was decided that we would shower the Benard family. We adjourned to meet with Mrs. Jack McGuire Jan. 31. Refreshments of hot cocoa and Devil’s Food Cake were served to all present.” Excerpt from “The Pleasure and Profit Club, Pearl, Texas” book as written in this 1935 post.

This week’s Bible verse comes from I Peter 1:13—Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming. NIV

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page, and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to