Sunday, May 19, 2024

Gatesville Primary celebrated Field Day


Gatesville Primary School recently celebrated their Field Day on the Tommy Davidson Field at McKamie Stadium. This was the first Field Day event at the stadium since COVID and the first one that parents could attend.

There was a total of 15 stations for the students to participate at. High school students from PALS (Peer Assistance and Leadership Program) guided the students through each station. Participating in Field Day were 10 Kindergarten classes, 4 pre-K classes, and the ECSE class.

The principal at the Gatesville Primary, Mashara Streater, said “I am so happy we were able to have it at the stadium this year. There were about 83 student helpers, and they were fabulous. I heard many positive comments from teachers and parents about how well everything was laid out and how helpful all the students were. Teachers were very appreciative that there were PALS running the stations this year. I’ve had a couple of teachers tell me that the high school students were especially kind and helpful to some of their students who were struggling.”